Sunday, July 18, 2010

Influence of Education on Human Responsiblity : an interesting comparison of two cases

Hey pals,

Incident 1

Date : 11th July, 2010

Place : In front of the Pazhamudhir Nilayam close to PSG Tech, Coimbatore

Incident :

A twenty one year old B.Physiotherapy student on a two wheeler was hit by a four-wheeler. He sustained severe injury after his head hit the divider on the road. He bled profusely, a very common indication that something is not well. This particular area in Coimbatore always has atleast one hundred students near it always. Considering PSG Tech has been rated the 17th best technology institution in this country, the students are all obviously well- read and atleast below average students. Even otherwise all those students in the vicinty are future engineers so they should be having a little responsibility atleast.

But what did they do in this situation? Nothing! I'd ve been happy had they left it at that. But they stood around taking photos of the scene ( I don't know what they were trying to prove and to whom!). Not one of them thought of calling an ambulance. They stood and watched a person's life slowly slipping away. The victim's valet and mobile were swindled even as he lay in a pool of his own blood, unconscious!

Am not saying that the students robbed him, but they were silent witnesses to it.

Result: THe Victim lay like that till his own friends who happened that way spotted him and carried him to PSG hospitals and although the Doctors tried their best, the victim was evidently brought in late and he succumbed two days later. His parents are childless and the guy's lover is in grief. Who is responsible??? All those students who stood and watched. Yes! They murdered him - brutally !

Incident 2

Date : 16th July, 2010

Place : The Tiruchy Road, near Palladam, in the middle of nowhere.


The car I was travelling in met with an accident. The details of which are given in my previous post. Although we were not hurt at all, almost every passing vehicle for the next ten minutes stopped and checked if we were alright and if we needed any help. And to think that this happened in the middle of no-where. And most of the people passing by were mainly illiterate or those with very minimal educational qualification.

Comparison :

The first incident happened in the heart of a city, so its impossible to be missed! It also happened in front of so many future engineers. I don't believe that not one of them thought of calling an ambulance - well, thats the least you could've done for him! And my mind still refuses to believe that they all stood idly taking pictures of the horrific scene and stole his belongings. What more important work did they have than try helping out in the emergency - buying fruits? drinking juices? chatting up friends? throwing dirty glances at the opposite sex? Had atleast one of them acted promptly - the guy probably would be alive now.

The second incident happened in the middle of no- where between two small towns and in front of people without much educational qualification who were hurrying between two places with their own businesses or towards their home but still they found the time to come and check.

Is education reducing the responsiblity we human beings have towards one another? Are we becoming like the westernised societies where people don't think it is their business to help out when someone else is having a problem even without being asked? Isn't this incident troubling?

Young India - Please stop blaming your politicians, authority and every one else. The world will be a much better place if we are atleast one percent responsible to each other.

Please think of this and let me know what you people think.

Bye Bye.

P.S : I heard someone say, " In case of an emergency, call Pizza Hut they reach faster than an ambulance." But how many of you cool people know the number of an ambulance??? And I know for a fact that the ambulances reach faster than Pizza boys, so don't hesitate to call in emergencies.

P.S.S : The number to call an ambulance in case of any medical emergencies is "108" - its a toll free number so you needn't worry about your mobile balnce.


  1. selva itz called the bystander effect, the more people there is, more the responsibility is divided among the people. basically every person watching the incident was waiting for somebody else to do it. whereas when u got stranded all passer by's were aware that their was no onelse der to share the responsibility with so tgey stopped and asked how u were

  2. First its good that u brought the incident of that boys demise in writing in your blog selva !! Atleast by this let others know about it....and Regarding your comparisons, yes its true education brings down the humanitarian feeling in us slowly and we are becoming more of graduated animals waiting to get rid of others at any given chance!! its no use of one shouting loud for such cause selva, everyone should get that humanitarian feeling.But from this blog u have shown that u have such feelings alive in you, keep going :-) :-)!!

  3. U are a doctor!! U were also standing nearby for the first incident!! Why didnt u Take him to ur own campus?? What happened to Hippocrates oath???


What do u say????