Sunday, May 16, 2010

One Large Happy Family

Hi Phantoms,

I had a long hiatus from the world of blogging as I was caught up with our Interbatch culturals and the Intercollegiate held in our college. I ve been having a whale of a time and simultaneously discovering new things about myself and people - all in the good sense. Tell you about it ??? I sure will but not in this post! In this post I will be talking only about the practice sessions that preceeded the culturals. So here it goes!

The practice for the group events started two weeks in advance and I was in the Indian dance which was very ably led by Mahesh! And obviously I was the one playing the fool around for most of the first week. Thinking of how I used to irritate Mahesh just to get on his nerves makes me flash my evil smile even now! But second week onward by popular demand I went back to my serious mode! I was actually very happy to be dancing with my chechi in the Dhandiya part of a dance sequence which also featured Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Gujarati folk and a latest Tamil Kuthu !

Here I have to let you know that Mahesh, although a very sweet person has such a short-temper! Now who can sit idle when you have such information at your hands. So Vetri and I would take turns to irritate him! Be it in asking him to teach simple steps again and again till he gives his trade mark stare or purposely making mistakes in between both of us did all it took to get on his nerves. The others would often join in the irritating by disappearing during practice or turning up late! Man, all that was so much fun and I am missing all those days!

I was the pessimist of the group! Our seniors had hired choreographers for 10,000 bucks and I was sure that they'd win the dance events! So everytime some one asked me to be serious or work harder I would say," For the second prize this much is enough"! That much was sure as only two teams were going to compete and I was sure we will be the proud runners up. But it turned out to be much different which I'll share in my next post!

It had all the ingredients of a big family event with a huge number of people involved and all those small fights that are bound to happen. All that while I was having a whale of a time! Getting to know people I would otherwise have not many chances of talking to was fun. Jealousy, Joy, Throwing my weight around, fun, frolic, pessimism - everything about those days of practice was fun!

But this thought of "one big family" came later on when both the Indian dance and the fashion show teams were on stage together two days before the start of the Inter batch culturals! ( How clearly I remember that evening with all of us crammed in on the stage with the curtains drawn in for privacy's sake) Watching each of the fashion show pairs walk up the ramp and do their acts was exhilrating. And then together applauding and shouting and cheering for each thing well done was even more fun. It is definitely fun to watch the people you know so well do different things and discovering their strengths and weaknesses. All this is much more fun than you can possibly think trust me.

It brought us all much more closer! Above all, it brought out how much we as a batch care for each other!!!

So Prakriti- 2010 and Utsav 2010 were fun but more was the practice sessions and all the behind the scenes galatta that preceeded it.

Good Night folks be with you soon!

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