I just finished watching this amazing movie "Rockford" by Nagesh Kukanoor and I just felt the need to put on record all my feelings after watching it. It was a real trip down memory lane to the Montfort that I joined when I was in third and a feeling of sadness thinking about what she had become now!! The film is entirely filmed in my Alma Mater Montfort !
First it came as a surprise that Nageshji about whom I had read a lot was an Old Boy of Montfort and then seeing this movie made me feel as if we share this bond that every montfortian shares. It was such a brotherly feeling towards him and watching the entire film only made this bond grow deeper.
Nageshji has portrayed to near perfection the Montfort that I joined back in 1998. The very next year Bro. George K J took over and every thing changed. The legacy of seventy years destroyed by the will of one man. How much ever I like Brother George and think he is a genius after seeing this film I want to say," Brother you've robbed our school of so much"!

The Paedophilic brother(not all of them), the blowing romances between teacher and students(yep they did happen) , teacher and teacher, the SSGY fetes, waiting for some kind of socials to get a peek at SHY (Sacred Hearts, Yercaud) girls, the letters that shuttle between the two schools all remind me of the good old Montfort days! Also it was very interesting to see the few students standing simply in the football field , reminding me of myself . Then the hero worshipping the bigger guys - ah how much originality !
And the usage of the unique Montfort lingo in many places was soothing. And saying the prayer before meals with eyes open and one hand on the chicken was so funny and reminded of my days in the lower standards. And having a crush on the staff. . . Nageshji you've left no stone unturned in portraying the Montfort of yore. But I would ve loved to see the batch fights shown in some way or the other.
For every Montfortian this is a must watch!
And for all those who are not, still it is a must-watch because we Montfortians influence your Life in some way or the other....
Bye Bye for now....
Have a Happy New Week ahead......
I applaud your sentiments.