Before discussing anything about the present we must talk a little about the past...........Back in 1947 Mother India gave birth......Pakistan was born out of her in the August of 1947.........We must bear this in mind while discussing any issues related to India-Pakistan Relationship......So if Pakistan is the Daughter of our own mother then is she not our sister??? Why persecute our own sibling when there are a lot of ways to reconcile with her forgetting her prodigality in the past.......?????....

If not our politicians atleast we should take our relationship with Pakistan a bit further. The first step would be to erase the stereotyped image of Pakistan which we have developed because of a section of the press and the works of a few mind-less film-makers and evolve a proper picture about the person she actually is.....Have you ever thought if Pakistan happened to be the terror-filled state she is portrayed to be can people actually live there.....I am not telling there are no terrorists in Pakistan but I am just trying to tell that all Pakistanis are not terrorists.......Even India has a few terrorists residing here but we dont call ourselves a terrorist nation.....then why should we think of them as one???????
Of course they have a lot more terror problems but all that can be tackled; many of the incidents of terrror that took place here in India can be attributed to certain anti-social groups in Pakistan but how can we blame the entire nation for the stupidness of a few of her citizens......
By calling her Mother India's daughter i do not intend to ask you to give the very costly dowry of Kashmir that she has been asking of us......and i never will.......but let there be Peace at our borders.....let the LoC dissolve into non-existence...Let the two nations evolve to be inseparable Mother and Daughter in every sense........
On this note let me caution film-makers like the ones who made the sub-standard Tamil film "Jairam" not to find ways to add fuel to the feud....our relationship with Pakistan is good enough but for these people who try to evoke the India - Pakistan differences for commercial gains...And , of course, cricket ...India versus Pakistan matches are more commercially viable than anything else in the entertainment industry.....I have nothing against this buit only ask God to give both our countrymen wisdom enough not to see rivalry and enmity in games and sports too but only Healthy competition....
So all I beg of you today is to shun any hatred you may have nursed for our dear neighbour and let us learn to love and accept her and try to help her solve her problems instead of aggravating them by putting her down in front of the world.....
Give this a thought....